[Aomori Prefecture/Iwate Prefecture] “Place names with doors” from 1 to 9, Hachinohe/Kunohe edition Mystery of arrangement where patterns differ only in the positions of 8 and 9

`doored place name in the area called Nukanobu County the former southern territory from Aomori Prefecture to Iwate Prefecture , runs from south to north along Oshu Kaido until Shichinohe. It is believed that they were lined up.

However, contrary to this rule, Hachinohe and Kunohe are lined up south from Shichinohe, and Kunohe is located within Iwate Prefecture, while Ichinohe and Ninohe ) and one mountain apart.

There are no historical documents that explain why it was arranged this way, and it is still considered a mystery.

Hachinohe has been around since the Jomon period.

Hachinohe Sansha Festival
The gorgeous floats of the Hachinohe Sanja Taisai Festival, held in Hachinohe City from July 31st to August 4th every year.

Hachinohe City faces the Pacific Ocean and is the core city of Aomori Prefecture, with the second largest population (approximately 260,000 people).

There are many ruins from the Jomon period left in the city, and it is thought that it was a prosperous Emishi village even

His name appears in historical documents when Mitsuyuki Nanbu , who was given Nukabe County for his military exploits in the Oshu Battle, where Minamoto Yoritomo destroyed the Oshu Fujiwara clan , landed in Hachinohe. This is the first one.

Nanbu Shigyo
Statue of Nanbu Shiyuki

His third son, Sanenaga, the Nejo Nanbushi (or Hachinohe Nanbu clan, Hachinohe clan), but it was the fourth generation that built a castle and settled in Hachinohe Castle. It was Moroyuki, the head of the family

Nejo ruins, a national historic site

Nejo ruins
East gate of Nejo

Moroyuki Nanbu who entered Hachinohe from Kai during the period of the Northern and Southern Courts , named Nejo with the hope that it `the fundamental castle of the Southern Courts

the Nejo Nambu clan moved Tono City, Iwate Prefecture during the Edo period , it was the central castle of the Hachinohe region.

Nejo ruins
Honmaru faithfully restored

Many of the structures in the current castle ruins, including the main hall of the castle, have been faithfully restored to historical facts, and there is also a Hachinohe City Museum attached to the site, and free volunteer guides are always on hand to show you around.

Please note that there is a fee to enter the main enclosure, and there are set times when you can enter.

Nejo Ruins<Information>

  • Facility name: Nejo ruins (Nejo square)
  • Location: Nejo Nejo, Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture
  • Honmaru (paid) Admission hours: 9:00-17:00 (Admission until 16:45)
  • Closed: Mondays (excluding first Mondays and holidays), the day after holidays, December 27th to January 4th


Miyagi Castle Park (Miyagi Castle Ruins)

Sanhachijo Park
Entrance to Sanhachi Castle Park, Hachinohe City Hall is on the left

In 1664 (Kanbun 4), the second lord of the domain, Shigenao Nanbushi , died of illness, and with no successor, the Morioka domain was divided by the Edo shogunate, and the Hachinohe domain was established as an independent domain with a capital of 20,000 koku. is.

Nanbu Naofusa
In times of peace, lords wore jingasa instead of helmets.

The first lord of the domain Nanbu Naofusa, named the building previously used by the Morioka domain Hachinohe Castle and made it his residence instead of a castle, but it was a castle without a castle tower, consisting only of a palace and a gate.

Sanhachi Castle is said to be derived from Hachinohe Castle in Sannohe District, it is said that the eastern region of Aomori Prefecture is also called Sanhachi Kamikita

Miha Castle Park
A lawn square and a rocky mountain surrounded by green trees in Sanhachijo Park

Located in the center of Hachinohe City, it has a city observation deck and a lawn square, and is also famous as a cherry blossom viewing spot.

Miha Castle Park<Information>

  • Facility name: Sanhachi Castle Park (Hachinohe Castle Ruins)
  • Location: 1-14-49 Maru, Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture


Hachinohe Castle Kakugoten Main Gate

Hachinohe City Culture and Education Center Southern Hall near Sanhachijo Park Kakugoten during the feudal period , and was built as a castle gate befitting the status of the clan and is one of the largest in Japan.

`` gate ), and a gabled copper plate roof rests on four thick pillars that support a ridgepole connected by a crown tree. It is the only remaining remnant of Hachinohe Castle.

Hachinohe Castle Kakugoten front gate <Information>

  • Facility name: Hachinohe Castle Kakugoten front gate
  • Location: 3-3-6 Maru, Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture


Kushibiki Hachimangu Shrine, the general guardian of the Nanbu Domain

The origin of Hachimangu Shrine is said to be that `` Nanbu Mitsuyuki built it on Kushihiki land to enshrine the sacred object of Hachimangu Shrine in Kai Nanbugo, and prayed for good luck and long life. '' It was built during the Kenkyu era (1190-1199). It is reported that.

The vast grounds are lined with sacred cedar trees that are hundreds of years old and the main shrine, which is an important cultural property, as well as national treasures such as the Akaito Odoshi Yoroi and the Shiroito owns a treasure.

, is also called Shinohe Hachiman Shrine because it was ruled by the Kushihiki clan, a descendant of the Shinohe clan this is the phantom Shinohe, '' but this is not confirmed.

Kushihiki Hachimangu Shrine<Information>


The last place name with a door is Kunohe.

Kunohe village office

Located in the northern part of Iwate Prefecture, further south from Hachinohe, it is a mountain village with few plains and houses lined up along the Setsukiinaigawa River

Yukitsura , the sixth son of Mitsuyuki Nanbu took over Ibonai, Kunohe District Not sure.

Mt. Oritsume
View of Mt. Oritsume from the roadside station. On the other side of the mountain are Ichinohe and Nihe

Speaking of the Kunohe clan, Masazane Kunohe is famous, but there is a theory that he was given Fukuoka (present-day Ninohe City) for his military exploits and moved from present-day Kunohe Village to Kunohe Castle in Ninohe City.

Roadside stations and town stations where you can enjoy Kunohe

Odode is a monster bird that appears in Kunohe folk tales, whose upper body is an owl and whose lower body is human.

If you want to enjoy gourmet food such as Kunohe's special products and local flavored gelato, we recommend Ododekan , a roadside station located at the foot of Mt. Oritsume

Is that the cooking car from King of Chicken?

King of Chicken made from the prefecture's top-producing broiler chicken are on sale, and at the restaurant `` Oritsume you can enjoy the local cuisine `` Hittsumi

Kunohe village
Kunohe village main street, Masazanekan is just on the right side

Masazane-kan on the main street of the village, so why not stop by when you have a break?

Roadside Station Oritsume “Odode-kan” <Information>

  • Facility name: Roadside station Oritsume “Odode-kan”
  • Location: 28-1 Yamaya No. 2, Kunohe Village, Kunohe District, Iwate Prefecture
  • Phone number: 0195-42-4400
  • Business hours: 8:00-19:00
  • URL: Kunohe Village official website


Town station “Masazane-kan” <Information>

  • Facility name: Machi-no-Eki “Masazane-kan”
  • Location: 47-1, Ihonai No. 11, Oaza, Kunohe Village, Kunohe District, Iwate Prefecture
  • Telephone number: 0195-42-2226
  • Business hours: 9:00-18:00
  • URL: Kunohe Village official website



So far , we have introduced in this series about place names with doors

Regarding these ``place names with doors,'' blogs and other blogs have introduced journeys that take place in order, like a pilgrimage, starting with Ichigo and ending with 9 houses, including the four houses whose locations are not clearly known.

Why not experience the horse culture of Tohoku by touring ancient Nukabe County and visiting places from Ichinohe to Kunohe in order, like a pilgrimage to a sacred place in an anime? ?

Please note that the ``sacred places'' that are visited by ``place names with doors'' are often located in locations that are inconvenient for public transportation, so it is recommended that you make the pilgrimage by car, such as by private car or rental car.

Special feature on "place names with doors" from 1 to 9

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