Zodiac (3)

Main shrine to protect the 12 zodiac signs of Sendai | Main shrine to protect the zodiac signs of Tohoku: Miyagi Edition

you know what a sacred place

It is a pilgrimage route that visits sacred sites and temples all over Japan in order, and the nationally famous Shikoku 88 Sacred Sites is also a pilgrimage route to the ``Shikoku 88 Sacred Sites .' '

There are various sacred sites in the Tohoku region, but this time we will introduce sacred sites related to the zodiac in Miyagi Prefecture.

Sendai Zodiac Guardian Principal Image Sacred Site

The Sendai Zodiac Guardian Honzon Sacred Site is a sacred place of the Zodiac Guardian Honzon located in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, and is also known as the Sendai Kedegami Sacred Site There are a total of 12 temples in Sendai city, but the most famous one is

  1. [Rat] - Zen Hospital Kannon Hall (Senju Kannon)
  2. [Ox] [Tiger] Kokuzodo Daimanji Temple (Kokuzo Bodhisattva)
  3. [Rabbit] ・Mount Washisu Manjusri Hall (Manjusri Bodhisattva)
  4. [Dragon] [Snake] Atago Shrine (Fugen Bosatsu)
  5. [Horse] ・Twenty-three nights hall (Seishi Bodhisattva)
  6. [Sheep] [Monkey]・Dainichido (Dainichi Nyorai)
  7. [Rooster] ・Mt. Mitaki Fudoin (Fudo Myoo)
  8. [Dog] [Boar]・Osaki Hachiman Shrine (Amida Nyorai)

There are 8 locations. This time, we will introduce all 12 temples, including shrines and temples other than those listed above.

Year of the Rat : Good Hospital Kannon Hall

  • Guardian principal image: Thousand-armed Kanzeon Bodhisattva
  • Sect:
  • Address: 1-1-67 Haramachi, Miyagino-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 983-0841
  • Official URL: Sendai City HP

Google Map

Year of the Ox and Tiger : Kokuzozan Daimanji Temple

  • Guardian principal image: Kokuzo Bodhisattva
  • Sect: Soto sect
  • Address: 4-4-1 Mukoyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 982-0841
  • Official URL: https://www.daimanji.or.jp/

Google Map

Year of the Rabbit : Mt. Washizu Monjudo

  • Guardian principal image: Manjusri Bodhisattva
  • Sect: Soto sect
  • Address: 6-10-18 Yawata, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0871

Google Map

Year of the Dragon and Snake : Atago Shrine

  • Guardian principal image: Fugen Bodhisattva
  • Sect: Shinto
  • Address: 4-17-1 Mukaiyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 982-0841
  • Official URL: https://www.atago.org/

Google Map

Year of the Horse : Kenshoin 23 Night Hall

  • Guardian principal image: Seishi Bodhisattva
  • Sect: Tendai sect
  • Address: 7-11 Kitame-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 980-0023

Google Map

Year of the Sheep and Monkey : Yanagimachi Dainichi Nyorai

  • Guardian principal image: Dainichi Nyorai
  • Sect:
  • Address: 1-11-3 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811

Google Map

Year of the Sheep and Monkey : Tamachi Monju-in Dainichido

  • Guardian principal image: Dainichi Nyorai
  • Sect:
  • Address: 2-10-25 Gohashi, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 980-0022

Google Map

Year of the Sheep and Monkey : Kangyo-in Dainichi Nyorai-do

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Year of the Rooster : Mitakiyama Fudoin Temple

  • Guardian principal image: Fudo Myoo
  • Sect: Shingon sect Chizan sect
  • Address: 2-5-7 Chuo, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021
  • Official URL: https://www.mitakisan.com/

Google Map

Year of the Rooster : Sankyozawa Daisei Fudodo

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Year of the Rooster : Nakayama Toryu Fudoson

  • Guardian principal image: Fudo Myoo
  • Sect:
  • Address: 6-19 Nakayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture 981-0952

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Year of the Dog and Pig : Osaki Hachiman Shrine

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The main shrine of the Tohoku zodiac guardianship

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