Fried wheat bowl

Miyagi's B-class gourmet special feature! Let's make delicious aburafudon at home!

Aburafudon a famous B-class gourmet dish from Miyagi Prefecture .

Aburafudon has become famous nationwide through the B-Class Gourmet Grand Prix (B-1 Grand Prix) and the Secret Kenmin SHOW. The ingredient, aburafu, is commonly known ``Sendaifu'' and is sold in Miyagi and southern Iwate prefectures.

This time, I made such a fufu bowl and it was delicious!

The secret behind fufu is Sendai fu, even though it is a specialty of Tome City?

Tome City was born in the northern part of Miyagi Prefecture through the merger of eight towns in Tome County and Tsuyama Town in Motoyoshi District during the Great Heisei Merger. It seems that aburafu was born in the Tome region.

In northern Miyagi Prefecture, it was a tradition to serve Shojin ryori during Obon. Shojin ryori does not use meat, so it lacks a protein source. That's why aburafu was invented.

Yamagataya's Sendai Fu
Yamagataya's Sendai Fu

Aburafu is known as a specialty of Tome City, but in Miyagi Prefecture it is sold under the name ``Sendaifu.'' This Yamagataya, .

The name ``Sendai Fu'' comes from the fact that during the Edo period, Tome City was a territory of the former Sendai domain, so it seems that the name ``Sendai Fu'' was used to make it known throughout the country as a local ingredient of Miyagi Prefecture.

Tome City's specialty is sold as Sendai fu by Yamagata shop, but I love it (lol)

Yamagataya Shoten<Information>

  • Name: Yamagataya Shoten
  • Address: 16 Yanaizu-cho, Tsuyama-cho, Tome City, Miyagi Prefecture 986-0401
  • Phone number: 0225-682066
  • Official URL:

Google Maps

What is the difference between abura fu and regular fu?

Fu is usually made by boiling and drying gluten, which is a protein in wheat flour. Also, the one made by baking is called yaki-fu, and the one made by deep-frying is called age-fu, and abura-fu is counted as one of these types of age-fu.

Fried fu is a spherical type of fu that is used in Chinese cuisine, while abura fu is elongated and shaped like French bread, about 5 cm in diameter and 25 to 30 cm in length.

The common way to eat this is to cut it into rounds of about 1cm and use it in miso soup like regular gluten, as a meat substitute for meat and potatoes, or in stews.

When you bite into it, the juice sizzles! What is the charm of aburafudon?

Aburafu has only recently been introduced as a B-class gourmet food.

It seems to have started in the 1980s at a restaurant in Tome City as an alternative to katsudon or oyakodon for people who couldn't eat meat. Rather than being a traditional food, it truly stands as a B-class gourmet food!

The texture of aburafu in aburafudon is similar to meat, as it was used in place of meat.

It's soft like wheat gluten, but because it's fried, the surface is hard, and when you bite into it, the juice oozes out from inside. In addition, because the flavor of the flour is locked in by the frying process, the rich flavor is released in your mouth with every bite, and the fact that it is healthy because it is low in oil and rich in protein is another appeal of aburafudon.

Well, thank you for waiting!

In the next section, we will introduce a simple recipe that allows you to easily make such aburafudon at home! Enjoy the taste of Tome's hometown at your home!

Sorry I made you wait! I'll show you how to make an easy-to-make aburafu bowl!

Ingredients for aburafudon
Ingredients for aburafudon

Aburafudon (for two) recipe


  • 1 stick of aburafu
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 onion
  • 400ml water
  • 1 teaspoon dashi granules
  • 1 tablespoon each of soy sauce, sake, and mirin
  • Your favorite garnishes such as pickled plums and red ginger

How to make

(1) Slice the onion. If you want to enjoy the texture, it's best to slice it thickly.

(2)Fry the sliced ​​onions until golden brown.

fry until golden brown

(3)Pour 400ml of water into it, and once it boils, add the granules and other seasonings.

(4)When it boils again, add the aburafu.

Adding aburafu

(5)Once the aburafu absorbs the liquid, immediately cover it with the egg.

(6)Serve over rice, add your favorite garnish, and it's ready.

Delicious aburafu rice bowl


This is the recipe for aburafudon. Isn't it easy?


If you boil the aburafu for too long, it will become mushy and you won't be able to enjoy the juice that oozes out. Therefore, the trick is to cover it with egg as soon as you have soaked up the juice, and then add it to the rice.

Whether you live in Miyagi Prefecture or not, please try making it now! It is delicious!

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