[Iwate Prefecture] 2024 edition "Tohoku Autumn Leaves Driving Map" - 3 recommended driving courses and surrounding gourmet selections in Iwate Prefecture!

Iwate Prefecture, where most of the prefecture is mountainous and hilly, has many natural parks, and in autumn you can see beautiful autumn leaves in all parts of the prefecture.

Among these many famous spots for viewing autumn leaves, we will introduce three recommended spots where you can enjoy autumn leaves viewing while driving.

Hachimantai (Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture, Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture)

Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate Travel”

Hachimantai is a general term for a plateau formed by multiple volcanoes that straddles Iwate and Akita prefectures, and is located within Towada-Hachimantai National Park.

The autumn leaves in this area begin to change color near the mountaintops around late September, and gradually descend to the foothills, with the best time to see them from late October to early November.

Autumn leaves in Kumanuma and surrounding area Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate Travel”

On the Iwate Prefecture side, there are two comfortable driving routes that connect near the summit, and you can enjoy the autumn leaves while circling them until they are closed during the winter.

However, as of mid-October 2024, the Hachimantai Jukai Line has been closed to traffic due to a road collapse, so it is necessary to check in advance as it may remain closed for the winter.

Hachimantai Aspite Line (Iwate Prefectural Road/Akita Prefectural Road No. 23 Osara Hachimantai Line)

A path through autumn leaves Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate Travel”

Obuke in Hachimantai City in Iwate Prefecture , passes near the summit of Mt. Hachimantai, and connects Hachimantai in Kazuno City, Akita Prefecture.It used to have a fee for some parts, but now it can be used for free.

From the Iwate Prefecture side, enter from the Matsuo-Hachimantai IC on the Tohoku Expressway and drive approximately 26 km to Mikaeri Pass, which borders Akita Prefecture, while admiring the autumn leaves spreading out at the northern foot of Mt. Iwate.

Hachimantai Summit Observation Deck Source: Iwate Prefecture Official Tourism Site “Iwate Travel”

There is a Hachimantai Summit Rest House in the Mikaeri Pass parking lot, and it is about a 30 minute walk to the Hachimantai Summit Observation Deck. Along the way is Kagami Pond, where the Hachimantai Dragon Eye appears in early spring.

Snow Corridor Source: Iwate Prefecture Official Tourism Site “Iwate Travel”

It is closed to traffic during the winter, but when the snow is removed at the end of April, a wall of snow more than 10 meters high appears, and you can experience driving through snow corridor

Hachimantai Jukai Line (Prefectural Route 318)

Autumn leaves near Matsukawa Geothermal Power Plant Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate no Tabi”

The approximately 15km stretch from Mikaeri Pass to Matsukawa Onsen offers views of Mt. Iwate, sightseeing spots such as Cool Breeze Falls and Taiko no Breath

However, as mentioned above, please note that from July 3, 2024, the section from the Matsukawa Onsen gate to Horai-kyo will be completely closed to traffic all day long due to a cave-in in the road.

Iwateyama Panorama Line (Hachimantai City Road Iwateyama Route 1)

Forest Bridge and autumn leaves Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate Travel”

From Matsukawa Onsen, head east along Matsukawa Valley on Prefectural Route 218 (Shizukuishi Higashi Hachimantai Line) and turn right at the Shimokura Ski Resort Entrance intersection to enter the Mt. Iwate Panorama Line

Immediately after crossing the Mori-no-Ohashi Bridge, there is a line of white birch trees, and the contrast with the autumn leaves is beautiful.

Burning lava flow and autumn leaves Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website "Iwate Tabi"

Ahead, turn right on Prefectural Route 233 (Yakehashiri Line) at the T-junction near the Yakehashiri Lava Flow, and you will be driving through a jet-black lava flow while looking at Mt. Iwate.

If you continue east, you will pass near the Tohoku Expressway's Nishine IC and exit onto National Route 282, where ``Roadside Station Nishine'' is located.


  • Name: Hachimantai (mountaintop observation deck)
  • Location: Hosono, Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture


Spinach soft serve ice cream

Spinach soft serve ice cream at “Roadside Station Nishine”

Hachimantai City is a treasure trove of delicious ingredients such as branded meats such as `` Hachimantai Beef '' and ` `Hachimantai Tochucha Pork ,'' as well as wild vegetables, mushrooms, and cultivated mushrooms.

Among these areas, the Nishine area is known for its spinach production, and you can enjoy dishes such as `Spinach Ramen '' and `` Spinach Curry at the restaurant at Roadside Station Nishine'

There are 5 types of soft serve ice cream, and we recommend a mix for those who don't like spinach.

Among these spinach menu items, `` Spinach Soft-serve Ice Cream '' is a must-try dish when you come to this roadside station.

The beautiful green soft-serve ice cream stands out against the autumn leaves, and the subtle scent and taste of spinach is said to be ``addictive,'' making it popular.

Spinach soft serve ice cream (Roadside Station Nishine) <Information>

  • Sales facility name: Roadside Station Nishine
  • Location: 154-36, Osara No. 2, Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture
  • Phone number: 0195-75-0070
  • Business hours: Restaurant 11:00-16:30 (LO 16:00, soft serve ice cream until 17:00), Farm direct/Shop 8:30-17:00
  • No regular holiday
  • URL: Roadside Station Nishine official website


Sennin Pass (former National Route 283: Tono City/Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture)


Sennin Pass is located on the border of Tono City and Kamaishi City in the south of Iwate Prefecture, and was once a difficult road with steep slopes and many hairpin curves.

In 2007 (Heisei 10), the Sennintoge Road was opened, eliminating the steep slopes and curves, and the time required to travel between the two cities was significantly shortened, resulting in a significant reduction in traffic volume.


However, since there are many autumn foliage sightseeing spots such as a mountain loop bridge, many tourists visit this area during the peak season as it is a perfect autumn foliage drive course.

Sennin Ohashi Bridge

Sennin Ohashi Bridge and looping national highway Source: KAMAISHI TRAVWL GUIDE (OPEN FIELD MUSEUM KAMAISHI) official website

It is an arch bridge that spans the Koshi River on a loop-shaped road that accommodates steep slopes and was constructed when the Sennin Tunnel (tolled at that time) opened in September 1959.

This bridge and the surrounding autumn leaves are very popular as a perfect spot for taking photographs of autumn leaves.

Sennintoge <Information>

  • Name: Sennin Ohashi Bridge (Sennin Pass)
  • Location: Kamaishi Kaido, Koshi-cho, Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture


Kamaishi Ramen, a B-class gourmet food loved by citizens

Kamaishi ramen with curly noodles and soy sauce soup Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate Travel”

In Kamaishi, which once prospered as a fishing port and a steel mill, ramen that keeps customers waiting is said to be part of its food culture, and many restaurants compete with each other to show off their individuality.

There doesn't seem to be a specific definition of Kamaishi ramen, but its characteristics are ultra-thin curly noodles that cook quickly and a light soy sauce-flavored soup that is amber in color and transparent.

Kamaishi Ramen <Information>

Lake Kinshu (National Route 107: Kitakami-Yuda)

JR Kitakami Line crossing Lake Kinshu with autumn leaves Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website "Iwate Travel"

It is an artificial lake created by damming the Waga River that flows from the prefectural border with Akita at Yuda Dam, and as its name suggests, it is a beautiful landscape with gorgeous autumn leaves in autumn.

Additionally, a sand storage dam appears on the upstream side of the dam lake from July to October when the water level at Yuda Dam decreases.

It is called Kinshu Lake Otaki because the falling water looks like a waterfall, and it is a popular autumn foliage spot that is lit up in various colors at night.

Kinshu Lake Otaki Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate Travel”

National Route 107 was temporarily closed due to the 2021 (Reiwa 3) earthquake, and a toll-free section was set up on the Akita Expressway, which runs parallel to it, allowing people to take a detour.

However, the following year, a temporary bridge was built across the lake and it became passable, making it possible to drive across the lake twice, which some say is actually a positive thing for autumn foliage tourism.

Tunnel construction is currently underway to bypass the closed section (Oishi area), and the detour is scheduled to be completed in 2026.

Lake Kinshu<Information>

  • Name: Lake Kinshu
  • Location: Nishiwaga Town, Waga District, Iwate Prefecture


Nishiwaga snack “Biscuit tempura”

Biscuit tempura Source: Iwate Prefecture official tourism website “Iwate no Tabi”

In the Nishiwaga region, biscuits were battered with rice flour and made into tempura and served as a snack or local sweet for special occasions, but now it has become a B-class gourmet dish in the region.

The biscuits used for this Kasanket from Seika , which are deep-fried in a sticky rice flour-based batter.

crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, making it a delicious souvenir Roadside Station Kinshuko or directly from the farm.

Biscuit tempura <Information>



This year's autumn leaves in Iwate Prefecture will begin to change color in mid-October at high altitudes in the northern part of the prefecture, and are expected to reach near the flatlands by late October.

Depending on the region, you may be able to enjoy driving through the autumn leaves until early November.

Why not enjoy the red and yellow colors that nature creates before the snow falls?

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