[Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture] What is Shimizu Mori Nanba? Here are the recipes and products recommended by locals!

Do you know Shimizu Mori Nanba grown in Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture Although they are sold at roadside stations in Hirosaki City and the local vegetable section of supermarkets, you may not know what kind of vegetables they are.

In this article, we will introduce Shimizu Mori Nanba, a traditional vegetable that Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture is proud of! We will also introduce how to eat Shimizu Mori Nanba recommended by locals, as well as products using Shimizu Mori Nanba, so please read until the end.

What is Shimizu Mori Nanba? Introducing the origin and characteristics

Before introducing recipes and products using Shimizu Mori Nanba, I would like to explain what kind of vegetable Shimizu Mori Nanba is.

The origin of the name Shimizu Mori Nanba

Shimizu Mori Nanba is a chili pepper traditionally grown in the Shimizu Mori district of Hirosaki City . In Aomori Prefecture, chili peppers are called ``Namba'', and because they are grown in Shimizu-Mori, they are popularly known as ``Shimizu-Mori Nanba''.

Shimizu Mori Nanba began when farmers in Hirosaki cultivated chili pepper seeds that the first lord of Tsugaru, Tamenobu Tsugaru, brought back from Fushimi Inari in Kyoto. In the past, most farmers in and around the Shimizu-mori area of ​​Hirosaki City hung Shimizu-mori numbers under the eaves of their homes, but production has drastically decreased since the 1960s. Due to the increased distribution of imported chili peppers, Shimizu Mori Nanba is rarely seen anymore.

However, in 2004, a study group was established to establish the Shimizu Mori Namba brand in order to protect traditional local vegetables. Finally, in 2015, "Shimizu Mori Namba" became a regional brand and continues to protect its tradition as a pride of the region.

Features of Shimizu Mori Nanba

Shimizu Mori Nanba has a richer flavor than other chili peppers and is characterized by just the right amount of spiciness. It contains less capsaicin than regular chili peppers and is only spicy enough for children to eat. However, the spiciness comes gradually afterwards, so it's perfect for adding depth to a dish! If you cool it in ice water, it will become crispy, and it's delicious to bite into it whole.

3 ways to eat recommended by locals!

We will introduce recommended ways to eat Shimizu Mori Namba to enjoy its flavor to the fullest. We'll introduce everything from simple cooking methods to local ways to eat them, so if you see them on sale, please give them a try.

Shimizu Mori Nanba unglazed pottery

Shimizu Mori Nanba unglazed pottery

Bisque firing is the perfect way to enjoy the natural flavor of Shimizu Mori Namba. Just grill it in the oven or in a fish grill to bring out the aroma and spiciness of chili peppers. You can eat it simply with just salt to enjoy the ingredients, or you can eat it with soy sauce or ponzu sauce as a snack with alcohol. Adding bonito flakes makes it a great dish, so why not try making it when you can't decide on one more dish to make?

Shimizu Mori Nanba pickled in soy sauce

By soaking Shimizu Mori Nanba in soy sauce, the spiciness and flavor will soak into the soy sauce. Perfect to accompany rice or as a snack with alcohol! It is popular in many households because it is easy to make.


  • Shimizu Mori Nanba (raw): 100g
  • Soy sauce: 200ml
  • Mirin: 50ml
  • Alcohol: 50ml
  1. Wash the Shimizu Mori Nanba, wipe it dry, remove the stem, and then cut it vertically. If you leave the seeds intact, the spiciness will be stronger.
  2. Place soy sauce, mirin, and sake in a small pot, heat, and bring to a boil to evaporate the alcohol. Once it boils, turn off the heat and let it cool.
  3. Arrange Shimizu Mori Nanba in a storage container and pour in the cooled soy sauce.
  4. Cover and store in the refrigerator for about a week to let the flavors meld.

Adjust the soaking time to suit your taste. To enjoy the aroma and spiciness of Shimizu Mori Namba, choose fresh ones when pickling them. In the recipe I introduced this time, I pickled the whole thing, but you can also chop it up and use it as a condiment. It can be used in a variety of dishes, such as cold tofu, somen, and rice balls, so it's useful to make it in advance.

Shimizu Mori Nanba Miso

Shimizu Mori Nanba miso, made using Shimizu Mori Nanba, is a dish that is often made at local households. The spiciness of chili peppers combines with the sweetness of miso to create an exquisite taste. It's perfect as an accompaniment to dishes or as a dip for vegetable sticks.


  • Shimizu Mori Nanba (dried or fresh): 50g
  • Miso: 200g
  • Mirin: 50ml
  • Sugar: 30g
  • Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic (optional): 1 clove
  1. Finely chop Shimizu Mori Nanba. If using dried nanban, rehydrate it with water before chopping.
  2. Add mirin to a frying pan and heat over low heat to evaporate the alcohol.
  3. Add sugar and soy sauce to mirin and dissolve completely.
  4. Add chopped Shimizu Mori Nanba and grated garlic and mix.
  5. Add miso and mix over low heat until evenly mixed.
  6. Turn off the heat, let it cool, then transfer to an airtight container and store.

It will last for about a week in the refrigerator, but freezing is definitely recommended! Miso doesn't get hard even when frozen, so it's nice to be able to take as much as you want when you want to use it.

Products using Shimizu Mori Number

As a local specialty, various products using Shimizu Mori Nanba have been developed. Here we will introduce locally popular products such as takikomi gohan, miso, and ichishozuke. All of these are masterpieces that make full use of the flavor of Shimizu Mori Nanba.

Shimizu Mori Nanba's cooked rice

Takikomi rice using Shimizu Mori Nanba has a tangy taste that permeates the rice, giving you a rich flavor. It can be purchased at local supermarkets, roadside stations, and online shops. This is a popular product that allows you to easily enjoy local flavors.

Shimizu Mori Namba miso and pickles

Shimizu Mori Nanba Miso

Shimizu Mori Namba miso, which was introduced in the article ``3 ways to eat it recommended by locals!'', is sold as a product everywhere. It's great for people who don't want to bother making it and want to buy it as a souvenir to take home. Isshozuke is also made by fermenting chili peppers and soy sauce, and has a deep flavor. Both are beloved as standard seasonings in local households.

Other products using Shimizu Mori Nanba

Recently, dressings and sweets using Shimizu Mori Nanba have also appeared. Green curry and chili sauce made with Shimizu Mori Nanba are also sold at restaurants. Its mellow spiciness is used as an accent and can expand the range of dishes. New products are appearing one after another and are attracting attention locally.


Shimizu Mori Nanba is a specialty product representing Hirosaki City, Aomori Prefecture, and its unique spiciness and flavor are appealing. It is still not well-known because its cultivation areas are limited, but with new products appearing one after another, I think it will become more popular in the future. If you can find Shimizu Mori Nanba on sale, please try cooking with Shimizu Mori Nanba using the methods and products introduced this time as a reference.

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