[Akita Prefecture] Omagari fireworks are one of the "three major fireworks festivals in Japan"! Enjoy the works of fireworks with the prestige of a fireworks master

Omagari fireworks are a place where the works of fireworks artists compete

Fireworks displays are an essential summer event. This is a summer tradition that is loved all over the country. Men and women wearing yukata gather to enjoy the flowers blooming in the night sky. The usual chants that accompany such fireworks displays are "Tama-ya" and "Ka-giya". Many people do not know the origin of this chant.

In kanji, this would be ``tamaya'' or ``kagiya.'' These are the trade names of fireworks makers who were popular in Edo. I'm talking about the two great pyrotechnicians. In other words, a fireworks festival is a place to appreciate the works of fireworks masters. Some fireworks festivals have the main purpose of having fireworks artists compete against each other with their creations. This is called the "Fireworks Competition."

At the fireworks competition, awards are given to the best works. The most valuable award is the Prime Minister's Award. However, there are only two competitions in the country where this award is given. And to be honest, Akita's Omagari Fireworks Festival is the one that has the Prime Minister's Award.

Omagari fireworks festival schedule

The Omagari Fireworks Festival is held on the fourth Saturday of August every year. The event will be held rain or shine, so it will be held even if it is raining heavily. If the event coincides with a typhoon, it will be postponed, but the postponement date has not yet been determined.

I just hope it doesn't rain during the Omagari fireworks...! If possible, you'll want to enjoy the fireworks created by a fireworks expert in the perfect setting.


nameOmagari Fireworks Festival
Launch locationOmonogawa Riverbed Sports Park in Omagari District, Daisen City, Akita Prefecture
access30 minutes walk from JR Omagari Station, 10 minutes by car from Akita Expressway Omagari IC
telephone number0187-62-1262 Omagari Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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